Research topics

Cognitive aging and automatic visual memory

Our research interest is the cognitive psychophysiology of aging. Age-related cognitive impairments are frequently explained with deficits of inhibitory processes, but inhibition is an equivocal term, both at physiological and psychological senses. In our recent experiments we separate the different aspects: perceptual integration, response inhibition, memory processes and creativity is studied, and we demonstrate that decreased inhibitory control can produce better performance in some situations.
The aim of our investigation is the analysis of an automatic (non-attentional) visual memory. According to our findings the storage characteristics of the memory system do not confine to elementary visual features, but it is sensitive to perceptual categories (e.g. symmetry, facial emotions). The visual sensory memory is influenced by long-term (learned) effects, like stimulus familiarity. Our general research method is the analysis of event-related brain activity, most importantly the visual mismatch negativity component and the stimulus-specific adaptation. The latter is an indication of the acquisition of the memory representation, whereas the former is connected to prediction violation, commanded by the memory system. We also investigate the age-related changes of the non-attentional visual processing.


Our current and previous project since 2016

From deviance to significance: Contextual influences and aging on automatic visual change detection

OTKA Advanced 150497 The main question of the research is how automatically detected non-regular events [...]

Menopause and cognitive aging: Effects of sex hormone levels on brain functioning

OTKA K 145940 The cognitive changes that occur during aging are often treated as a [...]

Training-induced compensation of cognitive decline in post-covid patients

MTA POST-COVID PC2022 II-8/2022 The COVID-19 virus can cause long-term changes to the nervous system [...]

Context and Behaviour: Facilitating Performance in Older Age

OTKA K 132880 It is well known that many cognitive processes, such as perception, attention, [...]

Inhibition and aging: costs and benefits

OTKA K 115457 In our aging society it becomes increasingly important to know how people [...]

Automatic and task-related information processing: change detection in task context

OTKA K 119587 The automatic processes of visual perception are essential in everyday life. However, [...]