Gaál, Zsófia Anna, PhD

Head of the lab
E-mail: gaal.zsofia.anna[at]
Phone: (+36-1)382-6817
Publication list, ORCID, Scopus IDGoogle Scholar ID



2009 Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
PhD degree in Cognitive Psychology

2005 Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Psychologist, MA

2003 Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, MSc

Working experience

Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology (Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2016- Senior research fellow, head of the Cognitive Psychology Research Group
2010-2016 Research fellow
2002-2010 Junior research fellow

2000-2001 Zsigmond Téri Gimnázium, Műszaki Szakközépiskola és Szakmunkásképző
Teacher of Biology and Chemistry

Role in scientific community

2023- European Society for Cognitive Psychology
2018- European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
2018- European Cognitive Ageing Society
2013- Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
2008-2011 The Hungarian Psychological Association, professional and communicational secretary
2007-2014 Pszichológia (Psychology), editor
2006-2008 The Hungarian Psychological Association, Communicational and Fundraising Committee, chair
2006- Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, scientific secretary
2003- Hungarian Neuroscience Association
2001- Hungarian Psychological Association

Conference organiser:

ESCAN 2021, IOP 15th World Congress, 2010, FEPS 6th Congress, 2006, EFPSA 15th Congress, 2001, Pszinapszis, 2001, 2002

Research interest

Psychophysiology of cognitive aging


OTKA K145940 Menopause and cognitive aging: Effects of sex hormone levels on brain functioning
MTA PC2022 II-8/2022 Training-induced compensation of cognitive decline in post-covid patients
OTKA K 132880 Context and Behaviour: Facilitating Performance in Older Age
OTKA K 115457 Inhibition and aging: costs and benefits
OTKA PD 101175 The switching cost of aging – Electrophysiological correlates of task switching paradigm in the trained aging brain